
Business Opportunities with Egura Project

Egura Companies (Inc., Co. & S.A.)

Una propuesta virtuosa para emprendedores e inversionistas de cada nación potencial tanto en aspectos ambientales como económicos. Una opción de crear juntos una nueva empresa de capital privado nacional, una empresa de ámbito nacional con un 3% para Fundación LEA para asegurar el alcance de la Cooperación en nuestra iniciativa global del Proyecto Egura. El 97% de las acciones de las nuevas empresas, (una en cada nación: Colombia, EE. UU., Israel, Australia, Sudáfrica, India, por ejemplo), se ofrecerían en los mercados y bolsas de valores nacionales con acciones enteras (Tipo A) y fracciones. de acciones (Tipo B), permitiendo el libre acceso a cualquier ciudadano virtuoso, empresa y grupo inversor de cada nación.

This audax move will start the national private new Egura Company (Egura Colombia S.A., e.g.) within an EBSP, an Egura Business Sustainable Plant of 10 has. located at the best possible site available of coastal zones of each nation. This first EBSP is an integrated solution of improved thermosolar, Aeolic & photovoltaic approaches to produce mainly electricity & water, but also hydrogen, oxygen, salts, and plankton biomass from seawater (also polluted water sources inland) and sunlight at tropical and subtropical zones of each nation, worldwide.

Each EBSP Beachhead could have, beside, and in a semiarid landscape, two kinds of Egura Farms connected to the millions of liters of water desalted each day: Egura Protein and Egura Agro, explained ahead in our main documents.

“The 'door is open' for the installation of new and numerous EBSP across your nation, to offer and sell at the best prices possible, at the national market, all products, and services: potable water, electricity, hydrogen fuel, salts, plankton for aquaculture, medicinal gas (oxygen), but also Carbon Bonds market option and food from Egura Farms linked to main EBSP beachhead. Also, Egura Companies could sell and install, Egura Units, Egura Mini Plants to other actors of national markets.”

Mikel Alberto de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo

Who would buy our Egura Units and Egura Mini Plants?

(Adjacent to the seacoast or near polluted freshwater sources – aquifers, rivers, lakes – in tropical & subtropical world)


Administrative regions and cities


Shrimp farms


Food Industries


Beer fabrics




Water treatment companies






Medical Centers


Education Centers


Civil, urban associations



Other Opportunities



Individuals and entities would have the opportunity to own shares (type A) or fractions of shares (type B) and with these funds start the first EBSP



The Egura Sites are small coastal villages with scarce or null access to water and energy.



Create from zero a brand new Egura Company at your beloved nation, a national one, a private one, within the participation of all citizens, companies, groups of investors



Use, reuse, recycle materials like glass, polymers, metals for the fabrication of Egura Units and Egura Devices, like novel heliostats, pipes, blades, etc., within our Egura logo and permit.